Personal Profile

My love of competing in sport and fascination of the human body's anatomy, physiology and athletic capabilities is what led me to study and work within the realm of Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. I am an avid rugby player, having played at first team club level in four countries (England, Australia, Canada and USA), and a keen cyclist, having completed a 1000 km cycle tour of Austria and Italy in 2018 with a group of friends. I also have a passion for aviation; everything from the engineering, infrastructure, logistics and, of course, the flying! I hope to be able to get my private pilot's license in the future.

Recently, during my National Service in the Hellenic Army as a Platoon Commander in the Anti-aircraft Artillery I really enjoyed translating my teamwork and technical skills across to a military environment. Working under pressure to build trustworthy relationships with senior officers, NCOs and junior soldiers to achieve common goals gave me a feeling of great achievement and sense of service to my community. After being promoted and discharged as a Second Lieutenant in honour of my service to my Squadron in March 2022 I returned to research to start my Post-Doctoral position in April 2022.  

All of these factors have contributed to my professional goals of working in a sector that allows me to apply science and technology to solve hands-on and theoretical problems within teams of multi-disciplinary expertise. With the ultimate goal to improve peoples' health and minimise the potential of injury specifically in the field of Orthopaedics, Healthcare and Sport Technology.